For the most updated list of publications, visit our Google Scholar page
Under review
Li C, Wang K, Treves I, Bungert L, Gabrieli JDE*, Rozenkrantz L*. Smartphone Mindfulness Intervention Reduces Anxiety and Stress in Autistic Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Rozenkrantz L, Laskorunskyi O, Zilcha-Mano S*, Dattner I*. Expectation-Updating: Understanding the Dynamics of Expectancy in Psychotherapy for Depression. Link to preprint.
​Mizrachi N, Kube T, Rozenkrantz L. (2024) Perceiving Immunity, Shaping Health: The Perceived Immunity (PI) Scale. British Journal of Health Psychology, 30 (1), e12772.
Haim-Nachum S, Kube T, Rozenkrantz L, Lazarov A, ... Sopp MR. (2024). Does disconfirmatory evidence shape safety- and danger-related beliefs of trauma-exposed individuals? European journal of psychotraumatology, 15(1), 2335788.
Zheng S, Rozenkrantz L, Sharot T. (2024). Poor lie detection related to an under-reliance on statistical cues and overreliance on own behavior. Nature Communications Psychology, 2(1), 21.
Kube T, Wullenkord W, Rozenkrantz L, Kramer P, Lieb S, Menzel C. (2023). How people update their beliefs about climate change: An experimental investigation of the optimism bias and how to reduce it. Political Psychology, 45 (1), 175-192.
Krittanawong C, Maitra NS, Khawaja M, Wang Z, Fogg S, Rozenkrantz L, ... & Levine GN. (2022). Association of pessimism with cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 76, 91-98.
D'Mello A.M., Bach P, Corlett P, Rozenkrantz L. (2022). Editorial: Predictive mechanisms in action, perception, cognition, and clinical disorders. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 598.
Rozenkrantz L, Kube T, Bernstein M, Gabrilei JDE. (2022). How beliefs about coronavirus disease (COVID) influence COVID-like symptoms?–A longitudinal study. Health Psychology, 41 (8), 519-522.
→ Highlighted at the APA Science Showcase on Health Psychology and COVID-19 (link).
Bernstein, C.A., Connor, J.P., Vilsmark, E.S., Paschali, M., Rozenkrantz L, .... Lazaridou, A. (2022). Acceptance and commitment therapy for episodic migraine: Rationale and design of a pilot randomized controlled trial. Contemporary clinical trials, 106907.
Rozenkrantz L, D’Mello A.M., Gabrilei J.D.E. (2021). Enhanced rationality in autism spectrum disorder. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 25 (8), 685-696. Selected for journal cover (link).
→ Science communication article for PSYCHE/AEON: Autistic people challenge preconceived ideas about rationality (link; Hebrew translation on Alaxon).
Mishor, E., Amir, D., Weiss, T., Honigstein, D., Weissbrod, A., Livne, E., ... Rozenkrantz L, … Sobel, N. (2021). Sniffing the human body volatile hexadecanal blocks aggression in men but triggers aggression in women. Science Advances, 47 (7).
Rozenkrantz L, Bernstein M, Hemond C. (2020) A paradox of social distancing for SARS-CoV-2: Loneliness and heightened immunological risk. Molecular Psychiatry, 25, 3442–3444.
Kube T*, Rozenkrantz L*. (2020). When our beliefs face reality: An integrative review of belief-updating in mental health and illness. Perspectives on Psychological Sciences, 16(2):247-274.
Bauer CC*, Rozenkrantz L*, Caballero C, Scherer E, West M.R, Mrazek M, Phillips D.T, Gabrieli J.D.E, & Whitfield-Gabrieli S. (2020). Mindfulness training preserves sustained attention and resting state anticorrelation between default-mode network and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: a randomized controlled trial. Human Brain Mapping, 41(18), 5356–5369.
D’Mello A*, Rozenkrantz L*. (2020). Neural mechanisms for prediction: from action to higher-order cognition. Journal of Neuroscience, 40 (27) 5158-5160.
Rozenkrantz L*, Weissgross R*, Weiss T*, Ravrebi I, Frumin I, ... Sobel N. (2020). Unexplained Repeated Pregnancy Loss is Associated with Altered Perceptual and Brain Responses to Men's Body-Odor. eLife, 9:e55305.
→ Highlighted by Borak, N. & Kohl, J. (2020). A possible link between olfaction and miscarriage,
eLife, 9:e62534.
Arzi A, Rozenkrantz L, Gorodisky L, Rozenkrantz D, Holtzman Y, … Sobel N. (2020). Olfactory Sniffing Signals Consciousness in Vegetative Patients. Nature, 581(7809), 428-433.
Kube T, Rozenkrantz L, Rief W, Barsky A. (2020). Understanding persistent physical symptoms: Conceptual integration of psychological expectation models and predictive processing accounts. Clinical Psychology Review, 101829.
Kube T, Schwarting R, Rozenkrantz L, Glombiewski J.A, Rief W. (2019). Distorted cognitive processes in major depression–A predictive processing perspective. Biological Psychiatry, 87(5), 388-398.
→ Highlighted by Harmer, C. J., & Browning, M. (2020). Can a Predictive Processing Framework Improve the Specification of Negative Bias in Depression? Biological Psychiatry, 87(5), 382-383.
Endevelt Y, Perl O, Ravia A, Amir D, Eisen A, Bezalel V, Rozenkrantz L, Mishor E, Pinchover L, Soroka T, Honigstein D, Sobel N (2018). Altered responses to social chemosignals in autism spectrum disorder. Nature Neuroscience, 21:111-119.
Rozenkrantz L, Mayo A, Ilan T, Hart Y, Noy L*, Alon U* (2017). Placebo Can Enhance Creativity. PLoS One, 12(9), e0182466.
Hart Y, Mayo A.E, Mayo R, Rozenkrantz L, Tendler A, Alon U*, Noy L* (2017). Creative foraging: An experimental paradigm for studying exploration and discovery. PLoS One, 12(8), e0182133.
Rozenkrantz L, Gan-Or Z, Gana-Weisz M, Mirelman A, Giladi N, Bar-Shira A, Orr-Urtreger A (2016). SEPT14 is associated with a reduced risk for Parkinson’s disease and expressed in human brain. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 59:343-350.
Rozenkrantz L, Zachor D, Heller I, Plotkin A, Weissbrod A, Snitz K, Secundo L, Sobel N. (2015). A mechanistic link between olfaction and autism spectrum disorder. Current Biology, 25:1904-1910.
→ Highlighted by Small, D. M., & Pelphrey, K. A. (2015). Autism spectrum disorder: sniffing out a new
biomarker. Current Biology, 25(15), R674-R676.
Arzi A, Rozenkrantz L, Holzman Y, Secundo L, Sobel N. (2014). Sniffing patterns uncover implicit memory for undetected odors. Current Biology, 24: R263-R264.
Gan-Or Z, Ozelius L.J, Bar-Shira A, Saunders-Pullman R, Mirelman A, Kornreich R, Gana-Weisz M, Raymond D, Rozenkrantz L, … Orr-Urtreger A. (2013). The p.L302P mutation in the lysosomal enzyme gene SMPD1 is a risk factor for Parkinson disease. Neurology, 80:1606-1610.
Gelstein S*, Yeshurun Y*, Rozenkrantz L, Shushan S, Frumin I, Roth Y, Sobel N. (2011). Human Tears Contain a Chemosignal. Science, 331:226-230.